panhandle CRAFT mall.com Retailer Website Application
Retailer Membership is $12.50/month and is purchased in six month intervals ($75). There is a life time set-up and service fee of $75.00 which covers your site creation (including all digital photo work), "vote" banner production and placement, Web Ring insertion and quarterly listing on the top five search engines. Your hosting begins one month after your setup date. Each member will receive:
1. A listing on the Home Page Site under the Crafts Retailers Banner including;
a. A thumbnail graphic (80x50pc).
b. Your Retailer Home Page Site Title with short description (10 words).
c. Goto link to your Retailer Home Page Site.
2. A Retailer Home Page Site which will include:
a. Your Retailer Home Page Site Title.
b. An introductory paragraph about you and your work (approx. 100-150 words).
c. Up to nine product graphics (400x400pc) with descriptive sales text [title, short description, and price(including all sales taxes and shipping costs)] of approx. 25 words; we will add 6 more product graphics each interval (at renewal).
d. Any other contact information you may have for a customer to visit your physical location, place an order by mail or phone, or jump to another internet site you may already have established.
e. Shopping Cart with Visa, MasterCard, Discover and American Express processing capability on each item.
f. Secure Server link for immediate credit card processing; all items purchased onsite through our card server will be charged a 5% commission (including all charge card fees); the balance will be forwarded to you along with the order within 72 hours of processing; you will thus receive only completely processed, paid in full orders from our server; there will be no other fees!
g. There are absolutely no fees on any sales that are made directly to you through the site by mail, cash, check, money order or any direct telephone orders that you process directly through your own card server; our commission is only collected on credit card sales through our server to cover our card processing fees!
h. There is a Master Site Catalogue in which all members' items are listed which contains all the same graphics, information and credit card ordering capabilities as your home site; the Catalogue is a continuous listing of site items from all sites.
i. Music availability on each site - select your own or let us choose from our library.
j. Greeting card E-Mail capability from your site.
k. Free PC-2-Phone call capability from your site visitor anywhere in the world to your business phone.
l. Individual site hit counters which not only record the number of hits but also the origin/path to your site.
3. Capability for YOUR DOMAIN NAME.COM listing. This site will contain all the same graphics, information and credit card ordering capabilities as your home site. This site gives you a second internet location, under your own domain name, for FREE!
4. A "Vote for Us" Banner will be produced and placed on your Retail Home Page Site. The banner links you to select Top 100 Crafter locations! This is extremely valuable advertising for your site! See samples below.
5. Inclusion in our Crafts Online Mall Web Ring. This links all of our sites (as well as a growing number of outside sites) for easy movement from one site to another.
6. Inclusion in our Panhandle Crafters Pantheon. This is our own "in-house" Top 100 Listing. It is becoming one of the premier "vote for me" sites for our members as well as for a growing number of outside sites. Free advertising and easy movement from one site to another with just a mouse click!
7. Listing with the top five search engines. We use Google (50%), Lycos (15%), Altavista (10%), MSN (10%) and Excite/AOL (10%). This covers about 95% of search engine activity. These promotions are developed and maintained as part of our life time service fee!
All internet memberships will be processed within 72 hours of payment and your site will be created within 24 hours.
We will use placeholder graphics and text if we have not received your completed text and photos by that time.
For mail applications you should try to complete all requirements for text and graphics but you need not wait on photos etc. Your placement on the panhandle CRAFT mall.com Home Page is on a first come, first served basis. Since many of our new members are located at local craft shows, where we can actually complete photos and applications, they can receive priority service. Complete the short application below online and assure your spot! You may also print this page and mail the application to the address below.
You may pay either your Site Setup Fee, your 6 months Retailer Membership, Hosting and Promotion Fee or both fees with the following shopping carts.
As with all Retail Sites, we can accept:
WE HAVE A NEW SITE WEB RING PROGRAM! ALL CRAFTERS ARE INVITED TO ADD THEIR SITES! Enter your site and see the increase in web traffic this can produce for all of us!
SiteRing by Bravenet.com
Are you looking for a TOP CRAFTERS SITE with true integrity? We believe we can now provide a location where the crafters are of exceptional quality not only as professional artisans but also as honest business people.

 And Vote For Our Site!
Please visit these exemplary members of the Pantheon!
Visitors to this site since opening 4/01/00